
How To Install Cement Board For Beginners

When you lot are tackling a home renovation or remodeling project, it is important to know all your options so you can make an informed conclusion while purchasing your supplies and tools.

Cement board is a blazon of textile yous tin utilise to dorsum tile or stone on your walls, countertops and floors. Although it functions similarly to drywall, in that location are a few reasons some builders prefer working with cement lath. We will go over these benefits, likewise as how to install cement boards, in this beginner-friendly guide.

Cement board is a type of capitalist lath fabricated from cement slurry and fiberglass mesh. Once hardened, the boards are porous, which helps them adhere well to grout and mortar. These boards typically come up in 3-by-5-foot sheet panels, with varying thickness. Nigh cement boards are either 1-fourth, one-half or v-eighths inches thick.

If you are looking for a backer cloth that is cheap, easy to work with and long-lasting, look no farther. Contractors and DIYers beloved cement boards because:

  • They hold upward to wet: Although they are not 100% waterproof or moisture-resistant, cement boards concur upwards to moisture better than drywall. Cement boards are an splendid selection for humid rooms, such as your bathroom, because they are less susceptible to mold, rot and decomposition that naturally occur in moist environments.
  • They add stability: Because they are constructed and dried offsite, cement boards offer a sturdy backing for tile, resulting in fewer cracks and much college load capacity.
  • They are piece of cake to install: Cement boards are easy to piece of work with and install. Because they are created offsite, you lot relieve time often associated with drywall. This convenience ways you lot tin normally terminate your projection sooner. They are likewise easy to work with — simply score, cutting and place.
  • You see less shrinkage: When the cement boards are dried at the manufacturing plant, they undergo all shrinkage or expansion before they are ever shipped out. This means your cement board is stable, and you volition non experience whatever unexpected shifting during or after installation.
  • In some places, using cement boards is required for certain building projects. Ever consult local building codes earlier purchasing building materials.

    Tools and Supplies for the Projection

    Before you begin your renovation or remodeling projection, gather the post-obit tools and supplies:

    • Cement board sheets: Cement board sheets are usually either i-fourth or one-half inch thick, though you tin can too find five-eighths thickness if that is what yous need. You can choose to purchase either several sparse boards or a few thick ones, though it is typically easier to work with fewer boards. Calculate the total number of needed boards by measuring the square footage of the surface area and adding 5%.
    • Thinset mortar: You will use thinset mortar more than in one case during the installation procedure, so make sure yous have enough for your projection.
    • Cement board screws: Cement board installation requires more than a standard screw. What kind of screws are used for cement boards? Cement board screws are sharp screws that have been treated with a special coating that makes them prophylactic for cement lath installation. These screws may come packaged with your cement boards, or you lot can find them separately in-store or online — just be certain they are marked safe for cement boards.
    • Tape: You demand a full-size roll of fiberglass mesh tape, which might also be labeled as "fiberglass cocky-adhesive."
    • Mortar mixing supplies: To mix the thinset mortar, y'all volition demand water, a large, clean bucket and a long mixer attachment for your drill.
    • Drill: A high-quality cordless drill is essential for hard-to-reach areas of your projection. Choose a reliable cordless drill to help you secure screws in the cement lath.
    • Jigsaw: Y'all will use an electric jigsaw to cutting the cement boards. Choose a jigsaw blade with carbide tips, preferably with vi teeth.
    • Knives: Yous demand a few different knives for this project: a 4- to half dozen-inch utility or T-square knife to score the expanse you will cut and a straightedge tape knife to cut strips of fiberglass mesh tape.
    • Trowel: Brand certain you accept a clean, one-4th inch notched trowel handy. You might besides consider investing in a corner-specific trowel to make applying tape easier.
    • Protective gear: Protective gear keeps you lot condom from inhaling dust or particles while mixing mortar. We recommend kneepads for comfortable kneeling, gloves, eyewear and a mask or respirator.
    • Waterproof membrane: Waterproof membrane is optional, but if you are doing a bathroom project or installing cement boards in a high-humidity environs, make sure you accept some of this on hand.

    How do you install cement board?

    How Practise You Install Cement Board? A Pace-past-Pace Guide

    One time you accept all your supplies gathered, it is time to install your cement boards. We take put together this step-past-step guide to brand it easy:

    1. Prepare the Surface area

    Commencement, y'all need to prepare your piece of work area. If you are applying cement board bankroll for new flooring or walls, this means removing all sometime materials and backers and thoroughly cleaning the area. Floor joists should be sturdy and squeak-free earlier laying backer boards. Information technology is a good idea to dry out lay your boards earlier applying any thinset, so you tin can see which pieces need to be cut and where those cuts should be. Dry laying also lets you know if you need to social club more cement boards for your project.

    two. Cut Cement Boards

    Earlier yous size and trim your cement boards, score them with your utility pocketknife, then you have a visual help to follow while using the jigsaw. Alternatively, yous can besides use a round saw with a special cement board blade. Some cement boards come up with pre-lined grids printed on them to make it easier to score and cut. We yet recommend you use a jigsaw blade to make the final cuts, rather than just a knife, as it will be quicker and more than authentic. Avoid using a forest saw or other bract not intended for this type of piece of work, equally they often create a hazardous amount of cement board dust, and your lines will not be equally clean. Remember to wearable protective gear, including a mask and eyewear, while cutting your boards, so you exercise non inhale any residue.

    When cutting the cement boards, do non bury the entire jigsaw bract. Proceed information technology curt. Otherwise, you might cut out of line or overheat your saw.

    three. Mix and Use Thinset Mortar

    Before y'all can employ your mortar, you need to mix it and allow information technology to rest. To mix thinset mortar, follow these instructions:

    1. Put on your mask or respirator.
    2. Add together clean h2o to an empty bucket.
    3. Add together the advisable corporeality of thinset mix, according to the size of your project. If you are working with a large expanse — or anticipate your project taking longer than 30 minutes — mix your thinset in small batches then the production does not dry before you are ready to apply it.
    4. Mix the thinset and water until a thick, peanut butter consistency forms.
    5. Let the thinset rest for 10 minutes or for however long the manufacturer recommends on the handbag of mortar.

    Next, utilize a grooved trowel to smear thinset to your work area — simply just enough for a one cement board sheet at a time. One time you take laid a sparse, even layer, apply the notched side of the trowel to comb ridges throughout the thinset.

    4. Lay and Secure Cement Boards

    While the thinset mortar is all the same moisture, carefully place your first cement board on top of it, with the rough or embossed side of the canvass facing upward. We recommend wearing a set of kneepads during the installation to go on yourself comfy and steady.

    Using a cordless drill, secure screws along the seam of the lath. Then, insert the remaining screws every 8 to 12 inches apart over the surface of the cement board, until it is secure. Try to brand the screws flush, but a slightly raised screw should not be an issue, especially along the seam where you volition shortly be placing the fiberglass mesh tape.

    Echo steps three through four of the installation process until all cement boards are laid, and your piece of work surface area is complete. If y'all are using cement boards for flooring backing, go out a one-fourth inch gap between the sheets of cement board and the wall.

    5. Tape the Seams

    Now, it is fourth dimension to employ the tape. Fiberglass mesh tape gives the side by side layer of thinset mortar a surface to bond to, resulting in a sturdy, crack-costless work area. Once all the cement boards are secured with screws, you will need a roll of fiberglass mesh tape and a straightedge tape knife. Apply the tape forth each seam of the cement boards, including where the boards connect. When taping corner pieces, consider using a corner trowel to flatten all of the tape to the cement sheet successfully.

    6. Spread More than Thinset Mortar

    If all the seams and corners are taped, information technology is fourth dimension to utilize the second layer of thinset mortar. By this point, y'all may need to mix a new batch before standing.

    This fourth dimension, use a trowel or drywall knife to apply a thin layer of thinset over the meridian of all of the taped joints. This is a process called "mudding." As you move from board to board, make the thinset as smooth as possible for a flush surface. Make sure all of the fiberglass mesh tape is thoroughly covered, and there are no lumps or uneven mounds of mortar. Next, allow the thinset mortar enough time to dry and cure, co-ordinate to manufacturer instructions.

    seven. Utilise Optional Waterproof Membrane

    This step is optional, depending on your specific project. If yous are using cement boards as a tile backer for a kitchen or other expanse, you can probably motility on to the final step. If you lot are installing cement boards in a room with a lot of moisture or humidity — similar retiling a bathroom shower — this is a crucial phase. Waterproof membrane is unproblematic to apply but can relieve you a lot of money and frustration in the future past providing an actress layer of protection against h2o that can seep behind cement boards over time.

    Once the thinset mortar has completely dried, pigment one or 2 layers of waterproof membrane over the tiptop of the entire cement lath, paying special attention to the taped seams. Allow it to dry completely earlier moving on to the final step of the installation process.

    viii. You Are Ready for Tile

    Congratulations! You have successfully installed your cement boards and are ready to lay your tile. Remove all backlog debris from your work area, including cutting pieces of cement lath and leftover thinset mortar. Retrieve to seal whatever remaining mortar or waterproof membrane before storing it abroad, and so it is in good condition for your adjacent home renovation project.

    Condom Tips and Tricks

    As you accept seen, installing cement backer board is a fairly straightforward process. Even so, in that location are sure rubber tips to go on in heed during even the simplest renovation projects. To ensure seamless cement board installation, follow these guidelines:

    • Invest in protective gear: Do not skip buying protective gear for your project in an effort to cutting costs. Dust from thinset mortar and cutting the cement boards tin can exist very chancy to your health if inhaled. Particles in the dust tin as well irritate your eyes. When shopping for supplies, be sure to include a mask or respirator, eyewear and gloves to keep the exposed peel on your hands prophylactic from thinset. If you choose to invest in loftier-quality protective gear, y'all can reuse these tools again for futurity projects without needing to repurchase anything.
    • Always follow manufacturer instructions: Always read all manufacturer instructions before beginning any project. That includes the instructions listed on the bag of thinset mortar, as well as any instructions that come packaged with your cement boards. Each manufacturer produces products differently from the next, so never presume there is a "1 size fits all" method for cement board installation. By reading these instructions before y'all start your project, you minimize the take a chance of running into costly or fourth dimension-wasting roadblocks.
    • Operate tools with care: Do not operate a cordless drill or jigsaw unless you have experience doing so. Remember to follow all ability tool safety rules, such as unplugging or powering off all tools when finished with them, tying back long hair and loose article of clothing and never operating damaged tools.

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