
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands — everything we know so far

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands — everything we know so far

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
(Image credit: Blizzard)

The heroes of Globe of Warcraft accept gone to other worlds and realities, faced off against gods and the middle of a planet. Blizzard Entertainment has kept the state of war betwixt the Horde and Alliance going for xvi years, with no signs of stopping. Now the warriors of Azeroth are heading to the Shadowlands, the world of the expressionless.

Earth of Warcraft: Shadowlands is coming before long, with whole new zones to explore and a new fearsome foe to face up off against. Blizzard is too using the expansion to release new dungeons and raids, new graphic symbol customization options, new gameplay systems, and a level squish with a revamped starting experience for new players. Pull back the veil on the state of the expressionless and catch a glimpse of everything coming with Shadowlands.

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World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expected release date

Earth of Warcraft: Shadowlands was originally slated to come up to PC and Mac on Oct 27. However, Blizzard has since delayed the game to "latter this twelvemonth" in order to go the expansion in the best shape possible.

"However, as everything started coming together and nosotros've been listening to and building upon your feedback, it's become articulate we demand a little more fourth dimension for additional smoothen, and to balance and iterate on some interlocking pieces—particularly those related to the endgame," wrote Blizzard in a weblog mail service.

However, WoW players can expect forward to the Shadowlands pre-patch going alive on Oct 13. This update will introduce many of the expansion'due south key features, including "revamped character leveling, new-player experience on Exile'due south Reach, and a host of new character customization options."

Earth of Warcraft: Shadowlands trailer

Take a wait at the story trailer for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. In the trailer, the former Warchief of the Horde, Sylvanas Windrunner, faces off confronting the Lich King. She wins the skirmish, taking his crown and shattering information technology. This tears a rift in the world higher up Icecrown Citadel, a portal into the Shadowlands.

If you want to dive deeper into the game's lore, yous can check out the new Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion animated short above. This seven-minute clip explores the fate of Uther the Lightbringer once he passes into the afterlife and comes across Devos, a Paragon of Bastion.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands beta

(Paradigm credit: Blizzard)

There's still a gamble to get into the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands beta and see everything that the expansion has to offering. If y'all have an existing Earth of Warcraft subscription, you just need to get to the official Shadowlands website, and click the "Beta Opt-In" button on the height right.

This will accept yous to the lesser of the page, where y'all can click the "Opt-In Now" button. If you're already logged in on your WoW account, this is all you need to exercise. Blizzard is letting players into beta in waves, so you should eventually receive an e-mail letting you know that you're in the beta.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands zones

(Image credit: Blizzard)

When players head into the Shadowlands, they'll be trapped within the Maw, a ruined crag full of anguished souls watched over past the minions of the Jailer. Our heroes will and so movement to the other regions of the Shadowlands, each ruled past a different path for the souls of the expressionless. The glowing fields of Breastwork are ruled by the Kyrian, who look to purify the souls in their care and raise them into a more than noble duty. The Necrolords fight across the cancerous growth of Maldraxxus, believing that might makes right. In the gothic spires of Revendreth, the Venthyr torture souls, harvesting their sin and forcing the dead to seek penance for their deeds in life. Finally, the vast forests of Ardenweald are the home of rebirth, where the Night Fae tend the unearthly flora and fauna.

Players will journey to each of these zones from Oribos, The Eternal Metropolis. Sitting at the centre of the Shadowlands, Oribos is the habitation of the Arbiter, a effigy that's supposed to make up one's mind on the final resting identify of every soul that enters the state of the dead. Oribos volition act as the social hub for the entire expansion, where players will return to sell items, craft, and more.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands gameplay

(Image credit: Blizzard)

The primary gameplay addition of Shadowlands are the Covenants. This system allows players to align themselves with one of the ruling houses: Kyrian, Necrolord, Venthyr, or Night Fae. If you pledge yourself to a covenant, you'll get two unique abilities, with one general ability and ane class-specific skill.

You lot'll likewise gain admission to the Covenant Soulbinds. These are characters tied to a covenant who volition necktie their souls to your character, unlocking different skill trees. These skill trees have a host of new bonuses and abilities, adding new combat skills or movement abilities.

Once you've passed through each realm and selected your covenant, yous'll head back into the Maw. The Maw is a time-limited region, pitting players against the Jailer's minions; the more you lot fight, the more than you'll grab the Jailer'southward gaze, increasing the forces arrayed confronting y'all. At the center of the Maw is Torghast, the Tower of the Damned. This is a randomized, roguelike dungeon that changes every time you enter it with new room configurations, new modifiers, and new enemies. You'll want to face Torghast though, as within its infinite halls are the items you can craft into legendary gear.

Globe of Warcraft: Shadowlands level squish

(Epitome credit: Blizzard)

If you're only getting into World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment is making the starting experience much smoother. Not only are in that location a host of new character customization options letting y'all truly make your character unique, simply there's besides been an overhaul of the leveling experience. The current maximum level is 120 in World of Warcraft, and that'll be compressed downwards to level 50 in Shadowlands. Those who make their way through all of Shadowlands volition reach the new max level of 60.

When y'all start a new character, you'll exist sent to Exile'due south Reach, the updated starting experience that volition walk you through standard WoW concepts. Exile's Achieve goes from level i to 10, at which point you'll be able to decide which expansion yous want to explore on the way to level 50. That's right, y'all can reach Shadowlands by but playing through any previous expansion: Called-for Crusade, Wrath of the Lich Rex, Mists of Pandaria, Cataclysm, Warlords of Draenor, or Legion, or Battle for Azeroth. Nosotros recommend leveling through Wrath of the Lich King or Mists of Pandaria, but ultimately it'due south your preference.

Speaking of new players, Blizzard is besides focused on accessibility with the addition of controller support to WoW. No, information technology's not coming to consoles, but controller support volition let you hook upward your standard controller or even the Xbox Adaptive Controller. It's merely another option for playing WoW, one that'southward been a long time coming.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Collector's Edition

(Epitome credit: Blizzard)

Like previous expansions, if you're deep into World of Warcraft, y'all can pick upwards the Collector's Edition of Shadowlands. The Shadowlands Collector'southward Edition costs $119.99 and is available to pre-order from a number of retailers like Amazon, GameStop, and All-time Buy.

The Collector'south Edition comes with a host of physical and digital goodies. On the physical side, you'll get four pins with the symbols of all four Covenants; an Fine art of the Shadowlands hardcover book; a mousepad depicting the shattered sky above Icecrown Citadel, and a key unlocking the digital Shadowlands soundtrack. You'll also net in-game items, like the Ensorcelled Everwyrm mount, Anima Wyrmling pet, Vestments of the Eternal Traveler transmog set, Wraithchill cosmetic weapon enchant, and Eternal Traveler's Hearthstone. Like previous expansions, you'll get a level boost, allowing you to instantly bring one character upward to tackle the Shadowlands content.

If you lot're trying to proceed your shelves free of clutter, there is the digital-only Epic Edition on the Blizzard Store. For $79.99, y'all'll get all of the digital items from the Collector's Edition. The Epic and Collector's Editions also come up with a Shadowlands digital fundamental and 30 days of game time.

Possibly the game will come up to iOS and Android as well, as Blizzard is looking at bringing Warcraft games to mobile devices.


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